“In a church culture which is too easily besotted and beguiled by all that is shiny and new Leading your Church into Growth concentrates on the tried and tested putting parish and people, evangelism and service front and centre. This is extraordinary help for ordinary churches.”
— Stephen Geoffrey Cottrell SCP
It seems more and more dioceses are focussing on the need to grow their parish churches. Perhaps Leading your Church into Growth could help you with a pathway forward and your churches could benefit from our shared experiences.
We have been running for almost 30 years and have moved on from our origins in the North of England, and now operate throughout the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
There are 25 of us on the team, we are; Vicars and Curates, Liberals and Evangelicals, Liturgists and Evangelists, Catholics and Charismatics, Archdeacons and Bishops, Rural and Urban, Missioners and Administrators, Big church and Small church.
The common thread between us is that we have all worked in growing churches and have a shared passion to see lots more churches growing and many people coming to faith.
We see ourselves as a sort of servant community sharing encouragement, good practice, effective strategies, 'can do' attitudes and holy inspiration. We would love to offer ourselves to help you and your church or diocese.
Revd Canon Robin Gamble
Team Leader
"In a church culture which is too easily besotted and beguiled by all that is shiny and new, Leading Your Church Into Growth concentrates on the tried and tested - putting parish and people, evangelism and service front and centre. This is extraordinary help for ordinary churches."
- Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York
We work with clergy, lay leaders and PCCs, enabling them to lead their church into the three key dimensions of growth.
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.
We offer people a road map, a toolbox, a travelling friend in the form of a series of steps...
"If you are not leading your church into growth, where are you leading it?"
- Rt Revd Philip North
Leading your Church into Growth is much more than a one-off conference or course. It is a transformational journey which needs to include a church’s whole membership over a two to three year period.
We suggest and provide various milestones and way markers to help churches and dioceses with the journey...
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."
Most dioceses already have a group of growing churches and others who, in contrast, don’t seem that interested. In between the two ends of the convoy however there is a great bunch of churches and leaders looking for help. Usually these are the ones who respond best to the input of Leading your Church into Growth.
This process usually begins with a diocese making contact with us for an exploratory conversation.
“For years Leading your Church into Growth has been and remains the best single piece of training that any local church can undertake if it wants to learn more about sharing the great news of Jesus Christ.”
— Rt Revd Paul Bayes
In recent years there have been four different research projects into the effectiveness of Leading your Church into Growth. They have clearly demonstrated that...
The word of God continued to spread; the number of the disciples increased.
If you are interested at all in the work of Leading your Church into Growth and would like to find out more or perhaps have a conversation then do please get in touch. We would love to come and talk with you.
info@leadingyourchurchintogrowth.org.ukSign up for regular email updates