Friday 12th June 2020
Meet the team: Helen has been a member of the team for a long time, 13 years in fact. Find out a little more about her.
What do you do as your day job?
Head of Ministerial Training, Royal School of Church Music with Praxis and SSM Associate Priest, Walgrave Benefice, Peterborough Diocese.
Teacher, author, worship leader, musician
Describe a key life moment where your faith became more real:
I’ve always believed in God, but my faith was severely tested when my daughter, Anna, developed a brain tumour and died aged 31. God had failed to answer prayer for healing and then apparently went AWOL leaving me to struggle with some big theological questions alone. This wrestling has actually deepened my faith over time.
What major event has happened for you this year?
I climbed the Matterhorn - virtually - as part of the Brain Tumour Research Stairway Challenge, going up and down 1722 flights of stairs during May 2020.
What do you love to do in your spare time?
I’m an outdoor girl. Gardening (I aim to have something I can pick to eat all year round) and walking: preferably in hills and mountains or beside the sea.
Which animal best describes you and why?
Elephant - an apparently slow plodder; relational, protective of family and my church and friendship groups; I have a good memory for detail, especially names and faces and things the family have lost!
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