Wednesday 19th February 2020
Meet the team: Sam has been the member of the team for a while now. However, this year saw her change roles in the diocese of York. Read on to hear all about it:
What is your full name?
Samantha Jayne Rushton (but only my mother calls me Samantha, everyone else calls me Sam). The 'y' in Jayne is very important – much classier than plain Jane!
How long have you been part of the LyCiG team?
4 years
What do you do as your day job?
Archdeacon of York
Describe a key life moment where your faith became more real:
Having already attended 2 seeker courses, the third course involved being prayed for, that the Holy Spirit would come into my life. I fainted. A few days later while reading the CS Lewis quote about Jesus being either mad, bad or the Son of God, I just knew that he was the Son of God and everything changed.
What major event has happened for you this year?
Changed jobs – still within the same diocese but moved archdeaconries from Cleveland to York. Same joys, same problems, different faces, different geography.
What do you love to do in your spare time?
Sleep. Do jigsaws. Walk. Eat good food in good company.
Which animal best describes you and why?
Probably a cat. Walks alone, can’t be herded, somewhat inscrutable. Can be affectionate if in the right mood, will probably bite if not.
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