Tuesday 18th February 2020
Meet the team: Sophie Jelley joined the Leading your Church into Growth team ages ago! However, we wanted to share with you the good news that Sophie has recently had. Read on to hear all about it:
What is your full name?
Sophie Rebecca Jelley (nee Capitanchik)
How long have you been part of the LyCiG team?
About 12 years
What do you do as your day job?
Just about to become Bishop of Doncaster in the Diocese of Sheffield. For the last five years I have been Diocesan Director of Mission, Discipleship and Ministry and Canon Missioner at Durham Cathedral.
Describe a key life moment where your faith became more real:
A friend invited me to a church youth group as a teenager where I was introduced to Jesus personally. Over time I have come to realise that on that night my life changed for ever!
What major event has happened for you this year?
Not sure whether being consecrated Bishop of Doncaster or running the London Marathon for mencap will be the most major event but will tell you after!
What do you love to do in your spare time?
I am currently training for the London marathon so not sure love is the right word but I do love running in the big outdoors. Also singing, knitting and all things creative.
Which animal best describes you and why?
I have always loved cats. Not sure I would describe myself as one but I would quite like the personality of a calm and loveable mog.
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